April 22, 2022

Happy Friday, Room 14! 

That was a very busy and exciting week! Thank you for your perseverance, preparing for the play was a lot of hard work for everyone. All of your effort payed off - you students were AMAZING!  I'm so proud of all of you!

Upcoming Field Trips 

We have some field trips near the end of May... I'm hoping to give parent volunteers enough time to plan for it. We will need parent volunteers on the following days:

Thursday May 26
Boats and Buoyancy In-class Field Trip (in our classroom)

Tuesday May 31
All Day - 8:00am-2:30pm
Leighton Art Centre - we will be taking a bus there

Please email me if you are able to join us for either of the dates above. tajensen@cbe.ab.ca
CBE Volunteer Clearance is required. Thanks so much!