April 29, 2022

Happy Friday, Room 14! It is a BEAUTIFUL day outside, I hope you get to enjoy the sunshine!

Grade 2 Assembly
Formal uniform is required EVERY MONDAY, and we are hosting an assembly. Formal Uniform is a must. 

Our Fairness Assembly is on Monday afternoon. 
1. Please practice the song - "That's not Fair!" (see blog post below to listen to the song)
2. Please practice O'Canada with sign language (see blog below)
3. If you are a narrator (or a back-up narrator), PLEASE PRACTICE YOUR SCRIPT! 

It's important to read it lots of times over the weekend, so you are familiar and comfortable with your lines. Please practice reading in a nice, strong, LOUD voice. Read slowly, and pause after each sentence. Thanks everyone! 

Field Trips - May 26 afternoon & May 31 all day

So far I have 1 wonderful parent volunteer for May 26th. We still need more parents to participate. Email me if you are available and have CBE clearance. tajensen@cbe.ab.ca
(Field trip info listed below in previous blog post, and a paper notice was also sent home). 

Follow the link to listen to the 
Grade 2 Assembly Song: "That's Not Fair!"

The lyrics are included in this week's homework. We need to have the song memorized by next Monday. Thanks everyone! 

O Canada with Sign Language Video

April 22, 2022

Happy Friday, Room 14! 

That was a very busy and exciting week! Thank you for your perseverance, preparing for the play was a lot of hard work for everyone. All of your effort payed off - you students were AMAZING!  I'm so proud of all of you!

Upcoming Field Trips 

We have some field trips near the end of May... I'm hoping to give parent volunteers enough time to plan for it. We will need parent volunteers on the following days:

Thursday May 26
Boats and Buoyancy In-class Field Trip (in our classroom)

Tuesday May 31
All Day - 8:00am-2:30pm
Leighton Art Centre - we will be taking a bus there

Please email me if you are able to join us for either of the dates above. tajensen@cbe.ab.ca
CBE Volunteer Clearance is required. Thanks so much! 

April 15, 2022

 Happy Easter Long Weekend, Room 14! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Please be sure to carefully read the school email sent to parents, with lots of important details about the play on Thursday. 

Practice your songs at home please! The rehearsals are going so well and I am so excited for you parents to see the incredible performance! 

Homework has been posted for next week. :) 

April 8, 2022

 Happy Friday, Room 14! 

What a beautiful day, and what a fun week we had together! :) 

Students in Room 14 are very enthusiastic and excited about the upcoming play, Willy Wonka! We will be continuing with important rehearsals next week. PLEASE continue to review and practice the songs at home any chance you get! 

See the Specialist Tab above --> Mrs. Hawkin's Music Blog --> Willy Wonka --> Grade 2 songs 

Mad Minutes were sent home this week. Take a peek and have a conversation with your child about how they are doing. In class we talk about strategies to help us succeed on Mad Minutes - skip questions that are really tricky, never spend time erasing an answer... just keep going as fast as you can! (it's fine to quickly cross off an answer and change it etc.) Memorizing is important, but we are also using different mental math strategies as we go. 

This week we looked over all of our Addition results from Mad Minutes since January. Students plotted their results on a line graph, which made it easier to see trends. Students were able to see if they have been improving or not. We talked about goals for the end of April, and strategies to help us get there. Keep up the hard work, and practice! 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 

April 1, 2022

 Happy Friday Room 14! 

We had a really busy and fun-filled week at school. 

On Tuesday, students were lucky enough to do a special art project using wool! They look absolutely amazing and beautiful. Thank you so much to the volunteers who attended. I am so impressed with the finished products! Nice work everyone! 

This week students worked very hard to create their year book cover to enter in the school-wide contest happening next Friday! The winning artwork will be chosen to be part of the Le Roi Daniels year book for the 2021-2022 school year! Wow! 

The Willy Wonka school concert is coming up soon - April 21st. I attended Music class this week with my class, to see how we are coming along with learning the words to all the songs. Please please please - Take some time at home to practice the Grade 2 songs for the concert. This is especially important for students who don't feel confident with the words yet. Ask your child if they can sing the songs to you without the words... if not, take a look at Mrs. Hawkins' Music Blog (see Specialists tab above). 
From the Music Blog page, you can find a tab titled Willy Wonka (the kids know where to find it!)

Thanks for your support! 


Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!