Happy Friday, Room 14! It is a BEAUTIFUL day outside, I hope you get to enjoy the sunshine!
Grade 2 Assembly
Formal uniform is required EVERY MONDAY, and we are hosting an assembly. Formal Uniform is a must.
Our Fairness Assembly is on Monday afternoon.
1. Please practice the song - "That's not Fair!" (see blog post below to listen to the song)
2. Please practice O'Canada with sign language (see blog below)
3. If you are a narrator (or a back-up narrator), PLEASE PRACTICE YOUR SCRIPT!
It's important to read it lots of times over the weekend, so you are familiar and comfortable with your lines. Please practice reading in a nice, strong, LOUD voice. Read slowly, and pause after each sentence. Thanks everyone!
Field Trips - May 26 afternoon & May 31 all day
So far I have 1 wonderful parent volunteer for May 26th. We still need more parents to participate. Email me if you are available and have CBE clearance. tajensen@cbe.ab.ca
(Field trip info listed below in previous blog post, and a paper notice was also sent home).